Announcing Oliver’s Wish ‘Marathon in a Month’ 2018

Announcing Oliver’s Wish ‘Marathon in a Month’ 2018

The Oliver’s Wish Foundation invites you to join Oliver’s Army for our first ‘Marathon in a Month’ challenge this November! In support of SUDC UK and to celebrate Oliver’s 5th birthday on November 30th we are challenging you to complete 26.2 miles of running, jogging or walking over the month!

Please let us know if you will take up the challenge, spread the word on social media using #runningforoliver and keep us posted on your progress! With your help we hope to raise much-needed funds for this amazing charity.

Once you complete the task and post your miles on Facebook or Instagram we will send you a link and would like to ask for a donation of £20 to SUDC UK. You will then be sent one of the amazing medals we have designed to celebrate your awesomeness for all time!

This is a great chance to get fit and help raise some money for a fantastic cause by following these 5 simple steps!

► STEP 1: let us know you're on the team!

► STEP 2: lace up your trainers and smash out 26.2 miles over November!

► STEP 3: keep us updated on your progress over social media using #runningforoliver

► STEP 4: Donate £20 to the SUDC via this link Donate via VirginMoney

► STEP 5: Receive your medal!

SUDC UK is a charity dedicated to increasing awareness and understanding of Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood (SUDC). It also funds research to better understand and prevent these tragedies. The sudden unexplained death of a child is one of the most under-recognised medical tragedies of our time.